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01.22.25 Wednesday
Bushmen Safaris trips fulfills hunter’s dream
By: Bushmen Safaris

Since he was a 14-year-old growing up in South Dakota, reading the likes of Jack O’Connor in Outdoor Life magazine, Mryon Maddox has wanted to go on a real African Safari.

At the age of 72, Maddox got his chance. He spent eight days in South Africa with Bushmen Safaris on a crossbow adventure.

On a managed hunt to keep population in check, Maddox shot six impala, a blesbok, a wildebeest, and two warthogs.

“It was a trip of a lifetime,” said the retiree. “By far the best hunt I’ve ever had.” Maddox grew up a deer, elk, and antelope hunter. 

“All my life,” he said. “Deer mostly, and elk when I can get a tag, but that’s not very often. Antelope, not so much at all anymore. But a rifle hunter, to be sure.”

Maddox bought his crossbow last September and has been working to get accurate with the instrument. Each shot he took, he was within 24 to 37 yards.

“We hunted waterholes, or trails that led to waterholes,” he said. “I hit everything I shot at – I was 10-for10. That felt really good.”

One of the impala could get Maddox into the Safari Club International (SCI) records books, while the blesbok and wildebeest are trophies in their class.

“I’m going to have a shoulder mount done of the impala and European mounts for the blesbok and wildebeest,” he said.

A European mount clears the tissue from the head, leaving the skull and antlers or horns intact.

“I think that’ll look pretty good,” he added

Part of the adventure was just seeing Africa for the first time, Maddox said. Bushmen Safaris encompasses 22,000 acres of wildlife conservancy land about 400 miles north of Johannesburg.

“It was a good opportunity to learn,” he said. “And it fulfilled a lifetime dream of mine.”

This article originally appeared in the Sioux Falls newspaper, Argus Leader.

Contact us at 208-322-5902 or visit to book your Africa trophy hunting safari. 

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