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Bushmen Safaris Hunting Glossary (G - Z)
By: Bushmen Safaris

The number of species that are allowed to be hunted in South Africa is unparalleled, and the Bushmen Safaris hunting properties feature many of these species. In our safari hunting glossary, you can learn more about the animals that will be a welcome addition to your trophy room.

Gemsbok – The Gemsbok is a large African antelope that are light brownish-grey to tan in color, with lighter patches to the bottom rear of the rump. Their tails are long and black in color. A dark brown stripe extends from the chin down the bottom edge of the neck through the join of the shoulder and leg along the lower flank of each side to the brown section of the rear leg. They have muscular necks and shoulders and their legs have white 'socks' with a black patch on the front of both the front legs and both genders have long straight horns. Gemsbok live in herds of about 10-40 animals, which consist of a dominant male, a few non-dominant males, and females. Gemsboks are about 4 ft 7 in at the shoulder, and males can weigh between 510–550 lb while females weigh 440–460 lb. They can reach running speeds of up to 35 miles per hour.

Genet Cat – The small-spotted Genet, found in more arid regions, is recognized by a prominent dorsal crest running from shoulder to tail. Its spots are round and elongated. Although catlike in appearance and habit, the genet is not a cat but a member of the family Viverridae, which also includes civets and mongooses. Similar to the civet, the Genet produces secretions conveying messages about sexual, social or territorial behavior. When angry, frightened or injured, the Genet can squirt a foul-smelling substance that deters enemies. Genets also have retractable claws adapted to climbing and catching prey. 

Giraffe – The giraffe is an African even-toed ungulate mammal, the tallest of all land-living animal species. It is covered in large, irregular patches of yellow to black fur separated by white, off-white, or dark yellowish brown background. The average mass for an adult male giraffe is 2,600 lb, and it is approximately 14 ft to 17 ft tall, although the tallest male recorded stood almost 20 ft. The giraffe is related to deer and cattle, but is placed in a separate family, the Giraffidae, consisting of only the giraffe and its closest relative, the okapi. Its range extends from Chad in Central Africa to South Africa.

Grey Duiker – The Grey Duiker is a medium-sized duiker, still much smaller than most of the other antelope species.  A shy antelope with only the males having short horns, the Grey Duiker has a characteristic habit of taking off at high speed in a series of diving jumps when alarmed. The Grey Duiker’s legs are longer and better developed, while his back is less rounded than the forest duikers. 

Honey Badger – The Honey Badger is a tenacious small carnivore that has a reputation for being, pound for pound, Africa's most fearless animal despite its small size. It is even listed as the "most fearless animal in the world" in the 2002 Guinness Book of Records. It regularly eats poisonous snakes, and also raids the nests of bees for honey.

Impala – An Impala is a medium-sized African antelope whose name comes from the Zulu language meaning "Gazelle". They are found in savannas and thick bushveld in Kenya, Tanzania, Swaziland, Mozambique, northern Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, southern Angola, northeastern South Africa and Uganda.  The Impala is reddish-brown with white hair inside the ears, over each eye and on the chin, upper throat, under parts and buttocks. A narrow black line runs along the middle of the lower back to the tail, and a vertical black stripe appears on the back of each thigh. Impalas have unique brush-like tufts of black hair that cover a scent gland located just above the heel on each hind leg.

Kudu – The Kudu have stripes and spots on the body, and most have a chevron of white hair between the eyes. Males have long, spiral horns. The Kudu’s horns are spectacular and can grow as long as 72 inches, making 2 1/2 graceful twists. These beautifully shaped horns have long been prized in Africa for use as musical instruments, honey containers and symbolic ritual objects. Kudu may be active throughout the 24-hour day.  The large ears are extremely sensitive to noise, making these shy antelope difficult to approach.  Under normal circumstance, kudu will sneak away and hide from potential enemies.  When startled, however, they flee with large jumps with their tails rolled upwards and forwards.  Kudu often stop and look back after a running for a short distance - a frequently fatal habit.

Nyala – The Nyala is a spiral-horned dense-forest antelope that is uncomfortable in open spaces and is most often seen at water holes. Nyalas live alone or in small family groups of up to 10 individuals. The male stands up to 3.5 feet, the female is up to 3 feet tall. The male has loosely spiraled horns and a long fringe on throat and under parts; the female has no horns and no noticeable fringe. The male is dark brown, white on the face and neck, with vertical white stripes on the body. The female is reddish brown with clear striping.

Porcupine – The Porcupine is the prickliest of rodents, though its Latin name means "quill pig." There are about two dozen porcupine species, and all boast a coat of needle-like quills to give predators a sharp reminder that this animal is no easy meal. Some quills, like those of Africa's crested porcupine, are nearly a foot long. Porcupines have soft hair, but on their back, sides, and tail it is usually mixed with sharp quills. These quills typically lie flat until a porcupine is threatened, then leap to attention as a persuasive deterrent. Porcupines cannot shoot them at predators as once thought, but the quills do detach easily when touched.

Red Hartebeest – The Red Hartebeest is a large, reddish-fawn antelope with sloping back and long narrow face. Both sexes carry these very unique horns however the Bull’s are much heavier, especially at the bases.  The Red Hartebeest have an excellent sense of smell and hearing, but their sense of sight is poor. When alarmed, they tend to mill about in seeming confusion, snorting nervously before running off. Once in its stride, a hartebeest can achieve a speed of about 40 miles per hour, zigzagging left and right in its characteristic bouncing flight, which make it more difficult for predators to catch them. Like the blue wildebeest, it has an uncanny sense of direction and will find water and fresh grazing after rain has fallen a considerable distance away.

Steenbok – The steenbok is a common petite antelope of southern and eastern Africa with long legs and an upright stance. Their coat is a light golden-brown color, although there is some variation among individuals with some being quite reddish and others more gray. The undersides are white. Steenbok have few distinctive markings: the large eyes are ringed by a fine circle of white hairs, and there is a slender black triangle which starts at the nose and tapers upwards. The ears are extremely large. The horns, found only in males, are straight, sharp, and very upright. They will grow 7-19 cm long.

Vervet Monkey – This small, black-faced monkey is common in Africa as it adapts easily to many environments and is widely distributed. The different types of vervets vary in color, but generally the body is a greenish-olive or silvery-gray. The face, ears, hands, feet and tip of the tail are black, but a conspicuous white band on the forehead blends in with the short whiskers. The males are slightly larger than the females and easily recognized by their turquoise blue scrota. The vervet is classified as a medium-sized to large monkey-males weigh up to 17 pounds. Its tail is usually held up, with the tip curving downward. Its arms and legs are approximately the same length.

Warthog – Warthogs are members of the same family as domestic pigs, but present a much different appearance. These sturdy hogs are not among the world's most aesthetically pleasing animals—their large, flat heads are covered with "warts," which are actually protective bumps. Warthogs also sport four sharp tusks. They are mostly bald, but they do have some sparse hair and a thicker mane on their backs. Though Warthogs appear ferocious, they are basically grazers. They eat grasses and plants, and also use their snouts to dig or "root" for roots or bulbs. When startled or threatened, warthogs can be surprisingly fast, running at speeds of up to 30 miles an hour.

Waterbuck – Despite its name, the Waterbuck is not truly aquatic nor as much at home in water and swamps. It does, however, take refuge there to escape predators. The Waterbuck is a large, robust animal; males are generally about 25 percent larger than the females. Waterbucks have large, rounded ears and white patches above the eyes, around the nose and mouth and on the throat. Only the males have horns, which are prominently ringed and as long as 40 inches. The horns are widely spaced and curve gracefully back and up. They are sometimes used with lethal results when males fight one another over territories. The Waterbuck has a shaggy brown-gray coat that emits a smelly, oily secretion thought to be for waterproofing. Only male waterbucks have horns.

Zebra (Burchell's) – Zebras are equids, long-lived animals that move quickly for their large size and have teeth built for grinding and cropping grass. Zebras have horse-like bodies, but their manes are made of short, erect hair, their tails are tufted at the tip and their coats are striped. Three species of Zebra still occur in Africa, two of which are found in East Africa. The most numerous and widespread species in the east is Burchell's, also known as the common or plains zebra.  The Burchell's Zebra is built like a stocky pony. Its coat pattern can vary greatly in number and width of stripes. The stripes are a form of disruptive coloration which breaks up the outline of the body. At dawn or in the evening, when their predators are most active, zebras look indistinct and may confuse predators by distorting distance. Their shiny coats dissipate over 70% of incoming heat.

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